Nasarawa State Teachers Service Commission Shortlisted Candidates

Nasarawa State teachers shortlisted candidates 2024 — Nasarawa. The Nasarawa State teachers’ shortlisted candidates’ names list is out. Many applicants who have been waiting for the release of the shortlist are now to check for their names. Those who applied for the teaching job positions are now to check if their names are on the list released by the Teachers’ Service Commission (TSC).

Nasarawa State Teachers Service Commission Shortlisted Candidates 2024

Candidates who have recently applied for the teaching jobs offered by the Nasarwa TSC are to check if they are among the shortlisted candidates. Applicants will receive notifications via their email or phone numbers. However, those who have not received any email can visit the official website where the list has been published, which will be provided in this guide.

The final list of candidates shortlisted for the Nasarawa State Teacher Employment Program for the academic year 2024 has been published. If you enrolled in the recruitment, you will have to check the recruitment website to see if your name is on the list.

Candidates who find their names on the Nasarawa State Teachers’ Service Commission final list should follow the instructions given by the Commission. This will help to know the next steps in the recruitment process.

How To Check the 2024 Nasarawa State Teachers Shortlisted Candidates

Those who applied for the Nasarawa State Teachers recruitment can check if they have been shortlisted following these official steps:

  • Visit the TSC website where the list has been made public at
  • Look for your name on the published list
Read Also:  Nasarawa State Teachers Recruitment

Successful applicants should come strictly according to their Local Government Areas. This is to ensure that the Commission can distribute the appointment letters in an orderly manner. If an applicant is found in a Local Government area other than their own, they may be disqualified.

Pre-Screening Examination

The Nasarawa State Teachers Commission has published the names of candidates shortlisted for the 2024 pre-screening examination. The exam will be held within selected areas in Nasarawa State.

All successful applicants who find their names on the list must bring the following documents for documentation and collection of appointment letters, including original copies of credentials, three photocopies of credentials, and three copies of acceptance letters.


Candidates must make sure that they have all these documents ready when they go for their appointments.

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