3MTT: Share 2-Minute Video, Win Laptop, Tablet


The last Knowledge Showcase of the year is here, giving participants a chance to share their innovative ideas or projects. If you’ve been solving problems with your knowledge, now is the time to showcase it!

What’s required? Create a 2-minute video explaining your project or idea and how it addresses a problem. Submit your entry through the provided form and post it on social media using the hashtags #3MTTLearningCommunity and #My3MTT. Don’t forget to tag @3MTTNigeria and include your Community ID or Fellow ID.

Who can participate? Cohort 2, 3, and 4 members of the learning community are eligible.

Prizes up for grabs: 50 laptops and 5 E-tablets await the winners!

Deadline: Submissions close on Saturday, 14th December 2024.

Register here: b.link/3MTTKnowledgeShowcase-Nov

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